Mastering The 5 Paragraph Essay:

The Most Powerful Tool for Academic Success

The Universal Standard for Writing
for U.S. High Schools and Universities


One of the Most Important Determinants of Academic Performance at Every Academic Level

From High School to Grad School

Get the Course Today

High Level Essay Writing:


critical thinking skills


written and oral expression


persuasive argument skills



Mastering the 5 Paragraph Essay Can Often Be a Key Factor To:

Improving your GPA in both high school and college;

Getting into the University of your choice; and

Winning the scholarship(s) necessary to graduate debt free.

It’s The Standard of Writing in the World of Academia

What is the best way to generate and organize a thesis argument?
What exactly is a topic sentence and when does it need a transition?
What is a supporting claim and how do you tie it back to your thesis argument?

These are the questions that could be the catalyst for students’ academic success!

Learn from the Best of the Best

The techniques taught in this course have been derived from analyzing the writing of top professors at the top universities in the country.

And here is what that analysis revealed…

Writing an excellent essay is NOT subjective! 
It is a predictable and replicable process.

So How Did I Discover This?

When I was a freshman at UCLA, I was told by my counselor that I should reduce my expectations and be happy with the Bs and Cs I was likely to get.

But as a first generation college student seeking to uplift my family, I wanted a 4.0. So, I took it upon myself to figure out how to get As in all my classes.

And in doing so, I had a proverbial epiphany that changed my life.

It occurred to me that the one person who has gotten an A in
every class I will take is the person teaching the class!

So, I began studying the essays written by my professors. Essays written by professors were easy to find because professors are required by the universities they work for to publish regularly—publish or perish as they say.

I spent hours in the library analyzing their writing. I made lists of the vocabulary and turns-of-phrase they used, I cataloged the transitions that were more frequently relied upon and I mimicked the rhythm of sentence length and complexity. I took note of how they set up their arguments and defended their position (remember: professors have to defend their positions too).

And ultimately what I realized is that
academic writing follows a pretty consistent pattern.

Across classes in all disciplines I got straight As.
I found myself submitting essays to contests and actually winning cash prizes.

Suddenly, I was paying for my entire tuition with my writing.

I discovered that literally anyone has the potential to be a great writer, earn As, and become
successful in school and beyond, if they use the right process.

This Course is nothing more than an elaboration on and systematization
of the discoveries I made as an undergrad at UCLA.

Universities are More Expensive and More Competitive Than Ever

Today, more than ever, students need to stand out in order to get into the best universities.

High standardized test scores AREN’T ENOUGH. In fact, many of the best universities are moving away from standardized tests altogether.

Extracurricular activities AREN’T ENOUGH. Admissions offices know students pad their resumés with every activity they can squeeze into their schedule.

Universities are looking for students who are critical thinkers, students who have genuine insights and can effectively articulate their ideas. Why? Because they know these will be the leaders of tomorrow and EVERY university wants to brag about their alumni.

Good writing is nothing more than good thinking written down.
Our goal is to help you think in a clearer and more powerful way.

And There is a System to Produce
Great Writing

What I have put together in this course is a system that is the quickest and most direct portal to competence, mastery, and proficiency of the 5 paragraph essay structure.

The 5 paragraph essay, when done correctly, is really quite simple because there is a specific system to master it. And with the right system, great writing can empower students to excel and achieve great success in school and in life.

I used this system to advance my own life: through law school, a career in real estate development, and life as a businessman. I credit my success to mastering this writing system that I discovered.

It’s not limited to just academia:

The screenplays for new movies

The research grants for incredible discoveries

The business plans for new startups.

These all require great writing.

And with the right system, great writing can empower students to excel and achieve great success in school and in life.

So if you’re interested in learning more about mastering this system...

Take a look inside the course:

Critical Thinking

Good writing is good thinking written down. In order to write a clean and organized essay, we need to develop critical thinking skills. We will discuss how we use thought exercises to achieve this.

Thesis Development

A Thesis Statement is the main point of your essay. It refers to a position that you defend with supporting points in the essay. We will discuss techniques for developing a strong thesis statement.

Structuring the Thesis Argument

This is a golden key module. The Thesis Argument is the Thesis Statement + 2-4 supporting points. If you master the Thesis Argument, you will be much more likely to get an “A” on your essays.

The Body Paragraph Structure

In the body paragraphs you defend points made in your Thesis Argument. They should tie back to it while moving the argument forward. We will discuss the essential components of the body paragraphs.

The Importance of Sentence Balance

In this module you will learn the four main types of sentences that will help you achieve different moods for your writing and keep the reader engaged while illustrating your position on the topic.

Selective Rhetoric Devices

Rhetoric is defined as the power of persuasion. This module will provide you with 10 rhetorical devices that are useful for essays, so you can embellish your sentences and add polish to your writing.

Your Active Vocabulary

A powerful vocabulary is one of the most common attributes of highly successful people. Here you will find a list of Power Words that show up in “A” papers and learn how to use them in your essays.

Write To The Top

In this final section of the course, we will show you how to implement all the tools and techniques you’ve gained so far to write effective personal statements and win scholarship essays.

Join the Program Today

Meet Your Instructor

Kwame Granderson

Course Instructor

Kwame Granderson completed his undergraduate studies at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) where he received a B.A. in English, Summa Cum Laude along with the following recognition: 

Highest Honors from the English Department and Honors Collegium for his thesis paper “Write to the Top” (upon which the online course is now based) 

Outstanding Senior Award for Letters and Science

Winner of the Phi Beta Kappa national essay competition and many other essay contests while at UCLA

Mr. Granderson completed his graduate studies at Harvard Law School where he received a J.D., Cum Laude along with the following recognition:

Highest Honors for his thesis paper “A Functional Approach to Fiduciary Duties and Exit Strategies for Members of Limited Liability Companies.”...He also studied at the Harvard Business School and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Mr. Granderson Co-Founded and is the Managing Member of MHC Capital, LLC, one of the largest owner/operators of manufactured housing communities in the United States and has established several philanthropic projects including the “Coats for the Homeless Program” and the “Water and Education Scholarship” offered through LAUSD. He is a practicing lawyer and licensed real estate broker. Mr. Granderson’s lifelong passion for writing inspired him to expand the writing manual he wrote at 19 while attending UCLA into the self-paced online writing course, Write To The Top, rich with supplementary materials. Mr. Granderson attributes his personal success in life almost entirely to the early honing of his writing skills to a high level of proficiency. Writing, for Mr. Granderson, is the meta-skill that makes all other endeavors in life eminently achievable.

Write to the Top


Write to the Top +
Course Backpack

This package will grant you full access to all of our video lessons and the course backpack, which includes:

  • Eight Module Slide Decks
  • Workbook
  • Quizzes
  • 5 Paragraph Essay Structure
  • List of Transitional Phrases
  • Sample Style Analyses
  • Access to our Rhetoric Database
  • Access to our Vocabulary Database
  • Vocabulary Flashcards
  • Writing Samples

Write to the Top +
Course Backpack + Lessons

This package includes everything from package #1 plus three 50-minute one on one lessons from one of our private tutors and Personalized AI Style Analyses.


Write to the Top +
Course Backpack + Lessons
+ Scholarship Coaching Program

This package includes everything from package #1  and #2 plus full access to our scholarship coaching program which will allow you to find scholarships that best suit your needs.


Satisfaction Guarantee

I know the material in this course works and works well… but I also know you can’t know that for sure until you’re inside the course. That’s why you can join now, watch the videos, try out the exercises, and go through the process for 30 days… and if after that you’re unsatisfied for any reason just email us for a full refund.

But Isn’t Writing Supposed to be Creative?

Some parents have expressed hesitation toward teaching the 5 paragraph essay due to its rigidity and formulaic nature.

While we understand and empathize with this pushback, the 5 paragraph essay is only one piece of the puzzle.

Yes, we are teaching students how to master it so they can raise their GPAs, get into their top choice schools, and excel academically and professionally, but built into this course are tools that will make students better writers regardless of what they’re writing.  

Along with writing education, the depth and extent of resources offered in the course backpack are unprecedented.

Our goal is not just helping students reach these goals, it is also to empower them through their writing. 


How do I know this course will work for me?

This course is based on decades of experience and seeing the power of good writing. Good writing follows clearly defined rules. The better you know the rules, the better you write. This is true for every writer. While I can’t guarantee that this course will 100% work for every single student who takes it, I’m confident that if you put in the work to get better at writing and combine it with an understanding of the rules of good writing, you will see massive improvements academically and professionally.

Is there a money back guarantee?

Yes! If you’re unhappy with the course for any reason, just email us within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.

How long will this course take to complete?

We recommend one to two hours a week for 8 weeks. Block out the same time slot on a Saturday or Sunday every week, if you can, to maintain consistency.  Keep in mind, however, this course is designed to be a resource that you can return to over and over again throughout your academic career.

What’s in the course backpack?

The course backpack includes eight module slide decks, writing samples, activities, quizzes, an outline of the 5 paragraph essay structure, insight exercises, a list of transitional phrases, sample AI style analyses from the Granderson StyleBot, a rhetoric database, a vocabulary database and vocabulary flashcards.

Get the Course Today